Benefits of Equine MASSAGE and BODY WORK - Fort Worth Area


How will your horse benefit from a massage?

Equine Massage is helpful as a preventative from future injuries.  It can increase range of motion, enhance muscle tone, relieve stress and tension. It helps improve mental clarity required to focus on training.  The massage improves the horse’s circulation which is what leads to more rapid healing of injuries. I will adapt the massage as the conditions warrant. This depends upon the muscle condition, comfort level, tissue response, personal preference, dysfunction level and intended goals. 
The massage creates more production of synovial fluids which lubricate the joints and eases arthritis pain.  Overall you should see a positive disposition in your horse after they have a full body massage.


How often should my horse have a treatment?

A maintenance massage is usually needed once a month. If you are working on a specific problem or during show season, you might see more rapid results if treated 1x per week. If this is your horse’s first massage please schedule a massage at least a week prior to any competition as this gives you time to adjust to the feel of your horse. A pre and post event massage can be given 30 minutes before and after an event to aid in the warm up and cool down process of the athlete.


How do you know if your horse needs a massage?

Horses ranging from the pleasure horse to highly competitive show horses can all benefit from a massage.  If your horse is always on edge or involved in high stress situations, the massage can help calm your horse’s nerves and adjust more quickly to a new environment. Whether you are hauling to compete on a regular basis or the horse is currently engaged in a health challenge (i.e. lameness, stall rest, re-conditioning after an injury), anything you can do to ease stress and assist the body in the healing process can enable your horse to heal more quickly.

Other signs that your horse may benefit from a massage :

-Your horse refuses or has a harder time picking up a lead

-Has tender areas on his/her body

-High headed


-More flexibility on one side versus the other

-Tight muscles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Muscles should feel firm but soft enough to palpate. The massage can relieve muscle spasms which could be causing any of the above.  Muscle spasms are fibers within the muscle that have become knotted.  If left untreated, more fibers will be added causing a larger knot which will increase pain in the horse and decrease their range of motion.


Equine massage is a complimentary therapy and should be used along with regular veterinary care.